I've been making my own laundry powder for over 6 years & haven't ever looked back. It costs us $67 per year, no plastics, no harsh ingredients & it works better than store bought.
4 x Bars Soap (any brand you like)
1kg Bi-carb Soda
1kg Lectric Washing Soda (electric soda)
75g critic acid
15 drops any essential oil you like - we use a combination of lemon, eucalyptus & on guard
*Ingredients list make two batches
Cut up two soap bars 2cm x 2cm & throw in a thermomix to wiz speed 10 into a fine powder, then add half all other ingredients. Store in a container & use 2 tbsp per large load - I have a 10kg washing machine.
If you don't own a thermomix borrow a friends or you can grate the soap using a cheese grater.
Works on hubbies work clothes & all our clothes including our new born babies at the time. One friendly powder for all of us.
🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩If you would like to try a sample of our homemade washing powder and see if it works for you, grab a packet here: